make your dreams come true with the best welding equipment

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HAKAS has played a key role in the mechanisation of Finnish industry and agriculture, and our work continues. We design high-quality, technologically advanced and durable welding machines for today's welders. Our products are always made from the best materials and extensively tested before delivery to our dealers. Our welding machines come with a warranty of up to five years.

40,000+ welding machines

Creativity, innovation and the unique commitment of our staff to the design and manufacture of welding machines have enabled us to deliver more than 40 000 welding machines.

a story that began back in 1972

The fully Finnish HAKAS welding machines were born in 1972. In Finland, there was a great need for machines to be repaired and maintained in working order, especially in agriculture and forestry. The cooperation with the supplier made it possible to distribute HAKAS welding machines nationwide. In the first phase, HAKAS rectifiers for beam welding were sold.

The development of the HAKAS MIG/MAG technology started around the same time in the first half of the 70s and the first HAKAS MIG/MAG semi-automatic welding machines with clutch control entered Hankkija's product range in 1975. Later, the single machine was expanded to a complete range of MIG/MAG semi-automatic machines in 1978. In the field of stick welding machines, transformers later replaced rectifiers and in the 1990s inverter technology started to take hold. Between 1972 and 2007, more than 40 000 HAKAS welding machines were supplied by Hankkija.

A new era of HAKAS products

IKH and Wallius Hitsauskoneet Oy started their cooperation in autumn 2023, which has brought HAKAS welding machines and accessories back to the customers. Together with IKH, Wallius launched a strong new HAKAS product family, which includes a 250 A compact three-phase welding machine with the latest generation transformer and three portable single-phase welding machines: the HAKAS PLUSMIG 200 is the most versatile HAKAS welding machine available, suitable for MIG, TIG and stick welding. The HAKAS PLUSTIG 200 AC/DC is the best choice when there is a strong need for high quality AC TIG, DC TIG and stick welding. The smallest welding machine in the series is the PLUSMMA 160, a powerful, lightweight, durable, real metal-shell, stick and TIG welding machine. In addition to welding machines, the HAKAS product range also includes welding torches, consumables and accessories. HAKAS products from the whole family can be found in all IKH stores.

Juha Leppäpuska, Product Manager at IKH Oy, says that the main target groups for HAKAS welding machines are especially the agricultural sector, small contractors, subcontractors, car dealers and active hobbyists. "HAKAS welding machines are a good choice for both professionals and hobbyists," says Leppäpuska.  

Wallius offers buyers of HAKAS welding machines added value in the form of warranty, service and technical support. "The Wallius service network and in-house technical support is available to customers. In addition, we offer a unique warranty service for portable HAKAS welding machines, where the IKH shop provides a new machine to replace the broken one," says Lasse Paananen, Managing Director of Wallius. "This means that the customer does not have to wait for the welding machine to go through the service shop," Leppäpuska continues.

HAKAS welding machines are available exclusively in IKH chain stores not only in Finland, but also in the Baltic countries and Sweden, as well as in IKH's online shop. The products will be launched in autumn 2023 with the IKH On the Road tour.

HAkas welding machines and other products are available at ikh online store and in stores throughout the country.

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Hakas service and support queries
Hakas maintenance weekdays 8-16
+358 440 728 001
Other Hakas contacts
Wallius Welding Machinery Oy
IKH Oy customer service